Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Mid-Week Sneak Peek: Meet My Friends

It's time for the Mid-Week Sneak Peek again!

If you missed Sunday's post, Blue Flower Earrings & Rings DIY, be sure to check it out here!

Holy bejeebers I have a lot of stuff to unpack from my summer down in Columbus. Not really looking forward to I'll write a blog post! Ah, procrastination. What a beautiful thing.

Exciting news! I just opened my Etsy Shop! I would love it if you went on over to check it out.

This past weekend I was in Cincinnati with my family and some family friends. We went to a Cincinnati Reds game (really nice stadium!), toured University of Cincinnati for the high schoolers in our group, played lots of games together (see picture below), and laughed a lot. It was a great weekend!

Our weekend in pictures:

I did Taylor's hair - a French fishtail braid. Fishtail braid, but keep adding pieces like you would a french braid.

Freaky parking


Cincinnati Reds game


The boys - my brother on the left, Jarod on the right.

All five of us "kids"

My little (but big) brother

Scorecard for Pictionary Man
Not to brag or anything, but I'm really good at this game. There was a section of the Ohio State application that said, "name one thing you are really good at - academic or otherwise." I came pretty close to saying Pictionary Man, but I decided not to risk being funny since it was my top choice!

Ready for this week's sneak peek??

What is it/what is it going to be? What am I holding in my hand? You'll have to wait and see! But I will say that from everything I've made in my entire life this project is by far my favorite (which is saying a lot!) so be sure to keep checking back. I could post it this week, I could post it in a few weeks! You'll just have to wait and see! :)

Hopefully I'm not being too cruel...

P.S. - I am wearing shorts underneath that jacket, you just can't really see them

Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. baseball games are so fun! love the pics and like your dress! glad you had a great weekend


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