Sunday, July 29, 2012

Blue Flower Earrings & Rings // DIY

Every summer for the past 8 or 9 years, my family and I have spent time with our friends from Idaho. They have two girls around my age and a boy that gets along well with my brother, so times are always crazy when the nine of us are all together. Yesterday was not only my last day of work and also the day that we met up with them! It's so exciting to see them again! There has already been a ton of laughter.

Last year, I had the opportunity to travel with them to many countries in Europe. This is the three of us girls at Neuschwanstein castle in Germany:
I am in the center and Taylor is on the right. Michelle is the one on the left. She has a six pack and is a beast at life. (She told me to say that, but she actually does have a six pack which is kind of ridiculous).

Today's project is really simple yet incredibly adorable. The idea can be applied to so many things, too!

I had quite a bit of fun snapping these pictures - they're all set on a bike rack!

Ready to learn how?

Here's what you'll need:
-ring bases/blanks and/or earring bases/blanks - The really nice three-piece ring base (the very top picture above) is from JoAnn (it was on sale for $2!) and the adjustable ring base (bottom picture) came in a pack of 10 from Hobby Lobby. The earring bases are from Michael's (I like my craft stores!) but those can be purchased at pretty much any crafting or hobby store I believe.
-flower (or other object) pieces - I have my eye on some really well-priced ones here.
-E-6000 epoxy glue

Here's what you do:

1. Take a q-tip and spread some E-6000 glue (this stuff is THE BEST. I use it for everything) on the ring or earring base. Then, spread some on the back of the flower.

2. Wait a minute until it gets a little tacky, then press the two together. Hold in place for a few seconds then let it cure for 24-48 hours.

And you're done! See? I told you this was super easy!

As always, let me know if this inspired you! See my Contact page for more information.

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"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
-John 16:33


  1. Really, that easy? Awesome. And I love the color of those flowers. I'm guessing that's one of your favorite colors 'cause it's similar to the background color of your blog. =D

  2. Find MoldMuse on Etsy and buy their flower molds. This project is even more rewarding when you make the flowers yourself out of Sculpey clay (also very easy).

    Great post, I love projects like these :) thanks for sharing!!!

    1. What a great idea! Thanks for sharing!


  3. wow such a beautiful ear rings made using epoxy glue...

  4. Thanks for sharing this post with us...


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