Sunday, August 12, 2012

Hair Combs // DIY

This week has been pretty laid-back. I've mostly been spending a lot of time with my family while I can, which has been great. It's also the reason why my recent DIY posts have been pretty simple projects.

But that's a good thing sometimes!

Not crafty at all? Hate artsy things? Not much time on your hands? This project is for you.

It takes literally minutes.

However, for those of you that are more artistically inclined, I do have some upcoming projects that I will be posting during the school year that you are not going to want to miss! They'll knock your socks off. I'm so excited about them. So much so that I'm blabbing about them instead of getting to the tutorial. 
Okay, here we go!

This is such an easy project with great results! They would be a lovely little gift for any occasion or no occasion at all!

I also made one with Ohio State colors. 

Want to see it?
Want to learn how I made these?

Here's what you'll need:
-Hair combs (I got mine at Hobby Lobby in a 4-pack)
-Embroidery floss/thread
-Hot glue gun + glue sticks

Here's what you do:

1. Gather multiple strands of embroidery floss (5-10 strands). Tie them to the top of the hair comb, only tying one knot so it doesn't get too bulky. Secure end of knot with hot glue.

2. Wrap the embroidery floss around the top of the hair comb until it looks good. Cut off the end of the floss and then hot glue the end down to secure.

And you're done! Sorry I didn't take any "in the process" pictures, but since it was such a quick project I forgot to!

One with Ohio State colors. Go Bucks!

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"Can you fathom the mysteries of God? Can you probe the limits of the Almighty? They are higher than the heavens--what can you do? They are deeper than the depths of the grave--what can you know?" -Job 11:7-8

Have a great week!


  1. ooh pretty nifty girl! and i love your new header and signature--all in theme w/the periodic table..sweet! :) lol

  2. Those are so cute! I will have to try them
    I nominated you for a Liebster Blog Award, come check it out!

  3. These are very cute! Great idea!

    1. Thank you, Alex! I'm glad you stopped by.


  4. Those are so cute! What a great idea for stocking stuffer ideas too!

    Visiting from Brittany's giveaway. I'm your newest follower!


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