Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Meet My August Sponsors!

Today I have some fantastic ladies lined up for you. They are awesome for multiple reasons: First off, they are my August sponsors which makes them super duper awesome to begin with. But secondly, they all have great blogs. I feel so lucky to have been able to work with such top-notch women!

Miss this week's DIY? Check it out here.

Below I introduce you to these eight fabulous women and you get to hear a little from them as well!

I know it's kind of a long post, but trust me. These ladies have some of the best blogs on the block, so you go show them some love! You won't regret it.

Meet Jess! She's from Swenson Love. Her blog is so pretty (you should go check out the header - love it!!) and I know I can always find inspiration from her pictures.

blog // twitter // pinterest

hi my name is jess! i blog over at {swenson love} the blog that will take you along our everyday happenings on this AMAZING journey through life!  you will find crafts/diy’s, recipes, a boatload of photos, many pretty & inspiring things & a fall fashion series beginning in september!  

This is Natalia from Uncommonplace. Natalia is super adorable and her blog is just flat out beautiful. The posts are interesting and the design is so great to look at. 

blog // facebook // twitter // shop

Hello everyone! I'm Natalia, the one in the dress. :) I blog over at Uncommonplace and I'm so excited to be featured on Elemental Carbon! I love DIY projects, reading, writing, photography, and pretty much anything else creative! My blog encompasses all of these things and my Etsy shop includes many handmade home and wedding accessories. Hope to see you over at Uncommonplace!

This is Yesenia from (then there was us). Doesn't she look like quite the stylish mama? She blogs about life, inspiration, and her adorable son. 

blog // facebook // twitter // bloglovin

Hi, I'm Yesenia! My passion is documenting my family's experiences while living in the SF Bay Area. We are first time parents so exploring new and special moments with my two main boys is very important to me. I also love finding creativity and inspiration in everything we do. When I'm not being full-time mom or testing new recipes, I'm scouring the Bay Area for exciting and new adventures. Hop on over, I hope you find something you like.

This is Britt from Bee Littlequeen - a blog about, well, basically everything! Britt and her blog are both so cute! And not only does she have a great blog, but she is a total sweetheart.  Too bad we don't live closer; she seems like the perfect person to grab a coffee (or hot chocolate!) with and chat for hours on end. P.S. - She is having a fantastic giveaway this week and Elemental Carbon is giving away a pair of earrings!

Hello there! My name is Brittany and I blog over at bee littlequeen. I am the bee that is always barefoot! I write about my single life happenings which covers family, faith, friends, makeup tutorials, craft projects, and any other silly random thoughts that spring up in my head. I love color, coffee, comedy, clothes and meeting new people, so please stop by and say hello!

This is Myranda from Pretty Living PDX. She blogs about her lovely family and her journey to weight loss and healthier living, so be sure to stop on by and check it out!

My names is Myranda and I blog over at Pretty Living PDX. This blog is about my family (1 husband and 3 gorgeous ladies) and our journey to healthier living. I feel honored that people care about what I have to say and I enjoy sharing our lives with you. Join me as I lose weight and gain (more) confidence, and let's be friends ;)

This is Jennifer from Grits & Moxie. (I did a guest post over there a little while back!) Jennifer is a lovely southern gal who shares a little bit of everything over at her blog. She has some great vintage taste, too.

Hi!  I'm Jennifer...a simply complex tattooed lady who's just trying to find her way in the world of books, blogging and a fiscally challenged life in Athens, GA.  Why not follow me as I cook, create, work towards my 100 Before 40, speak my mind, and continue to hope that world keeps revolving and evolving.


This is Rachel from lala Lists - aren't her red, white, and blue nails adorable?
She has such style! And I love that she makes lists all the time just like I do.

blog // twitter // shop

I am Rachel, 20-something fur-momma to a cat and a bunny living outside of Boston going to school for graphic design. I paint my nails too often, watch too many movies, eat too many cupcakes, and shop too much. I am compulsive list maker who talks too much, and that is how lala Lists was born.

Next, I am introducing you to Lauren from Click Clack Clunk. I'm not going to lie, I love her blog. She does a bunch of crafty things (just like me!) so I love reading her blog to get awesome ideas. She also has a great little etsy shop so be sure to stop by there as well. And look how cute this notecard is:

blog // facebook // pinterest // shop

Click Clack Clunk is a blog about crafts and DIY, sprinkled with bits of my life. I blog because I find it's a great creative outlet, and I would encourage anyone who is thinking about blogging to just jump in and start. That's what I did, and I have learned so much in the process!

I told you these women and their blogs were fantastic! If you haven't already, you should definitely go show them some blog love. 

Have a fantastic week, friends!


  1. saying hello! found you through Grits and Moxie, and i must say: you're awesome! new follower!

    1. Thank you so much! It's always nice to hear positive feedback. Glad you stopped by.


  2. Thank you, Alyssa! You're awesome!

  3. awhhh you're SO sweet alyssa! thank you for such kind words!! Yeh, we should totally go grab coffee lol...darn the distance! hahah. gotta go check out some of these other awesome blogs! :)

  4. Thanks Alyssa for the awesome shout out! I follow some of these gals but I'm definitely going to go check out the rest. :)


  5. Nice to meet you, Alyssa! Just found and followed you via the giveaway at Little Queen Bee. :)

  6. This is awesome! Thank you so much for featuring me :)
    I will check out these other gorgeous ladies for sure ;)

  7. Thank you for the highlight Alyssa! :)


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